Monday, May 5, 2008

5 30 am

Coffee shop :
Because its the first thing I think about in the morning;
John and Andrew are the best owners and long time friend of Tim.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I second the Atomic Cafe shout-out. I'm glad that you're going to share your experiences with us, Lyne, you definitely have a lot to share.

See you soon,

Elizabeth Landry said...

hello Lyne,
your blog is really cool, i think it's a good thing to write about your life. It's a way to know you better. In the Rallye des Gazelles, i discovered a funny girl who has a lot to share. I hope to stay in your circle of frienship!
Continue, c'est super et oui la vie mérite vraiment d'être vécue avec les larmes et les rires.
Enjoy !
Au plaisir de te revoir bientôt,
Dominique, la gazelle beauceronne

Unknown said...

Mmm, yummy yummy. Atomic time with my girl out front is the way to go!