Monday, July 13, 2009


PoW WoW triathlon in Amesbury...Second triathlon ever...Its true.
The first one I did was 5 years ago in Montreal . I went swimming the day before for an hour and then I started the race the next day. Not much time for training!
The good thing was that the swim was in a pool so I could touch the ground once in a while to take a break! I was slow...1/4 mile in 18 min wow! I think I can crawl faster...
Yesterday I had the crew support Tim , his mom Claudia and my pup Vitesse. 
I was nervous but exited to tri something new. My orange cap on , goggles and wetsuit( thanks to Fitwerx for helping me) and off I went. I was just thinking about not drinking the whole lake ...out of the swim in 11 min only 2min20 behind the best guys...Got to transition and lost a bit of time there but place for improvement! Got on the bike and just went chassing everyone in front of me one by one...transition 2 little faster less than a min. Off I went for my 3.2 mile run. I felt a little stiff after the bike but got into the groove. Again racing in my bubble thinking about Km instead of miles! I pushed the last km because I new Crystal was coming behind me( she is a 2h47 marathon runner and a great triathlete). I come to the last corner and ...cross the banner for the finish! I was 1st and 6th overall. what I was happy about was the way I finish my run under 20 min . So here's the first report. Hope you will keep following my Quest to Kona 2010. 


Danger Dodger said...

Congrats Lynn! That is awesome for you second Tri! I am looking forward to watching your progress to Kona!

Saint-Gervais son said...

Nice job Lynn!
Think of the transitions like learning the barriers in cross, free time to be had!
Keep those updates coming IRONWOMAN......
