Friday, November 21, 2008

Long time no see!

Hi everyone,
I know it's been a while since I've shared some of my adventures with you...
This morning,  coffee in front of me and some great times behind me I decided to write.

So the last time I was just back from China , had a great experience at the Olympics working for the TV. Im very glad I did it and I learn more about myself: Now I know that TV is not for me!
When they told me I got the job I couldn't say no. Its that kind of thing where you take the challenge no matter what..and I did. I saw how hard the people behind the scene work and how TV is not always what it looks like. I also realized how the public is hard. I kind of knew that but I was kind of avoiding it...It just came back at me like a tone of bricks. People critic without knowing what's going on. They are sitting in their living room and typing what ever come to their head without thinking..and sometimes it hurts. I know , your going to say that I shouldn't focus on that and I know that but I just cant let it go and I think thats why I didn't like doing TV.

Beside that I got the chance to walk on the Great Wall of China, visited the forbidden city,did a tour of the city on a bike that was just about to fall apart (I had to stop because the brake pads were in the spokes they were so loose!),tasted some great Chinese lizard on a stick, bought a chinese hat and travel around town with my Tv crew ...these guys were awesome and took really good care of me. I don't think we had more than 3 minutes without laughing ! Oh and I also notice how the traffic works: Trucks over  cars over  moped over  bikes with trailers carrying fridge and stuff over bikes without a trailer over walkers with trailer over pedestrian. its all about how big you are!
Flight home went very well...thanks to my sleeping pills and my glass of chinese wine!

and then August was over...and September came and I said where the hell did the summer go!
more to come...

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